Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I got so much snow, check it out.

Almost a month ever since I got back. Its been interesting re-adapting. It was hard at first, but it got easier (thats what she said).

Anyhow, check out the snow up here. We got a snow day. on one of the days it was snowing, I forget the exact date. The 5 minute walk to work and back became quite a leg work out.

This is what it looked like on December

December Hill climb

Cool looking sky

More sky

Christmas Dinner back in December

Snow fall in Feburary

Snow Angel time

Snow Day

Drift on side of our house

Believe you me, child daycare was closed

Snow outside my window.

Haha, good luck getting out of that one.

Taking picture of the sun, on a sunny day.
It took many tries, because I couldn't see where to aim ze camera.

Sun down time. Sun set.

 Alright folks. I'm sure there are much better northern pictures you can search for, but for a point and shoot camera, its pretty impressive right?

Another random thought, being up here with an internet connection and no TV, online shopping has become a hobby. Don't get into online shopping, its dangerously addictive.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

At the crack of dawn

For a 1000 flight, I’ll need to be at the airport checked in at 0900, minus an hour of travel from home to airport puts me back at 0800, getting brushed up and breakfast tacks on another hour; 0700, for a comfortable buffer time (last minute packing, slowed reaction time from emotions and lethargy) take another hour off; 0600 for wake up time. Awesome, all my bags are packed, I’m ready to go. How many hours of sleep did I actually get? Probably an hour if I am being generous. Fast forward to breakfast. Probably, one of the longest meal I have ever had thus far. What was 30 minutes, seemed like hours of talking, picture taking, sense of not being able to let go. Everything around me, suddenly became extremely valuable. The once, nagging annoying strong mother, all of a sudden was this poor little frail jitterbug taking pictures, talking a lot, trying so hard to keep herself occupied, fighting the thought of not seeing me for another long/er period of time. “Did you pack this? Do you need this? Are you sure your luggage isn’t too heavy? Oh! Pack the Nutella in your backpack, saves weight in the luggage. Did you want more frozen foods? How about the chicken? Oh, you almost forgot the chicken. Goodness, why are you so forgetful?” Because Lordly lord, will I ever lose my shit if I didn’t have the frozen chicken breast. I’m sure I’ll be fine. All the chatter, questions that was once viewed as unnecessary nagging, has become this comforting feeling that my mom loves and cares about me a lot. Why hadn’t I seen this before? What an ass I was, for not reminding myself of that all the time. What an ass. “Smile!” As my parents try and squeeze the whole family together for a picture for the memories. I used to hate family pictures, but this one, I think I’ll want. No, I’ll need it.
Next? Last second goodbyes, hugs, starting of the car, and my parents looking from the living room window, savouring the sight of my brother and I as we drive off to the airport. I was right, that ride did take an hour. For the truck on the highway snow screening everyone else, I thank you. I guess they can’t really brush off the snow like we do on cars in the morning. Papa, mama, I love you and thank you for not making leaving harder than it already was.
Terminal 1. Unload. Hug. “Take care, love you man” I thought, as I hug my brother, without saying a word. The feeling was mutual.
“Good morning sir, where are you headed this morning?” Fort Albany. 100 bucks says you wouldn’t know where that is. “I’m sorry? Where?” I replied, “Do you know where Moose Factory is?” “No.” “How about Timmins?” “Yes.” “An hour and a half north of that” “Ooohhh…” Come on, lets get this over with. “ID please, and how many checked baggage?” I heave the precisely weighted luggage at home for a maximum weight of 44lbs. And the machine reads…44lbs. Awesome, just one more Transit Security left, and I’ll be in Timmins in no time.
“Boarding pass please. Do you have any liquids, gels, or flammable items in your bag sir?” Yes, I’ll have a a butt load of weapons, with a miniaturized rocket launcher that can take down an airbus flying at 100,00 feet to go please. Oh wait, that was a question. “No sir, I do not” “Step over please” Good, no beep.
“Sir I’m afraid you have liquids in your bag” Shit. “I may have eye drops?” “Please step aside as I search your bag” As he swabs my bag, I chuckle to myself as I wonder if It’ll be hilarious to check for MRSA, I’m sure the lab would have a field day. For the non nurses, its everywhere, not to worry, a healthy body constantly keeps it in check, so they are harmless, until your immune system’s defense network is taken down. “Sir, I will have to check your bag” Do what you were trained to do man, take your time, that’s what the one hour safety net was for anyways. As he rifles through my bag with a glove, he pulls out the 2 tubs of Nutella. Oh Come on! “Sir, you are allowed only 100mls of liquid in your carry on. Would you like to go back and check this in your lugguage or throw it away?” I look at the magnetic snake of people just outside the security screen. Where the hell did they come from? There was no one in sight, a while ago. Eff this. “I guess I don’t really have a choice, I’ll throw it away” There goes 3kgs of brand spank’in new Nutella. Another luxury up down south I would definitely miss. Moral of the story guys, Nutella, check it in your luggage.
As I walk in my Sorels with my oversized jacket, 4 layers of pants, and 5 layers of clothes, I arrive at the allotted gate. As I sit here, typing away, this feeling of not wanting to go is really really making a comfortable nest in my head. All this feeling of not wanting to leave home, where friends and family all are…I wonder if it would ever get easier. When will the novelty end? Should it ever end? When it does, what does that mean? At what point should I stop travelling and start worrying about my relationship with close family and friends?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I take it all back

Meeting up with old friends are great. Until you have to part with them again.. Today was one of those days, meeting up with 6 new friends that I haven’t seen for at least three to 17 months. Shock, would be the word I will use to describe my feelings. Meeting one friend at the bus station was enough of a sucker punch to the emotional equilibrium centre of my brain. When I saw Linds at the station, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was so much going on in my head, that all I said, was ‘yep, yep yep’ (Like an effing parrot!)  I was so flabbergasted, I didn’t even hear what she was saying. All I remember was a hug, and trying to find words to say to her. So, what did I manage to do? I just smiled. So you could imagine, seeing the rest of the crew was just a gong show for my rice-grained cerebral cortex.
Meeting up with everyone was nothing short of a blast. Laughs were had, but its different now. The disconnect with friends was blatantly staring in my face. The inside jokes, popular songs, news, gossip, status on everyone’s lives, are no longer at the tip of my tongue. I cannot just carry on from where we left off (BUT, if you have a few friends whom you can still do that with ease, make sure you make an effort to keep in touch, those are friends are keepers). I often find myself questioning the origin of the inside joke (which…cmon, kills it for everyone). NEVER question an inside joke, or a past event in a group social situation. It is just poor social etiquette.
As the night was closing in, I felt a wave of sadness over me. On the bus ride home, it left me pondering, if this career path is worth this. Is it? If 3 months was hard, what is the next visit going to bring? At what point of playing catch-up with friends will it get old and tiresome? What will be the one constant that will be something to look forward to when I come back? How long is too long for a work term out in the bush? All these questions, made me realize, that face to face interactions with friends is the pinnacle of all human interactions. The notion of just ‘catching up’ with no other ulterior motive is so pure and golden, that it is sometimes deemed as wasting time. Think about it, someone else, is using their time in their lives with you, however brief it is, in which they could be doing something else. Sounds stupid and naive, yet it was the one thing that I took for granted when I was in the city. So to my friends, I thank you for allotting time specifically to catch up with me, and to the random strangers I walk past on the street, I thank you for sharing the sidewalk with me.
(I would post pictures, but they're not mine, and I haven't had the permission of my friends. But they're a good look'in bunch)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Missing Home?

As I sit in my living room, stuffed with home cooked food, slumped on the couch, watching the high definition TV, texting, having conversations about girls, etc, I realized something. I really did not miss this all that much. All this plush is so unnecessary, yet we dive, indulge and make ourselves numb to it. One of the things I learned living in FA was that, you do not need much to live a healthy and happy life. All I think you need is: healthy food, a roof, and good company. So ideally, it would mean living out in the bush in a nice cozy cabin on fertile land to grow food with a life buddy. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the technology and reading everyone’s mistakes from all over the world plastered on the paper. But, all the chatter, noise and distractions in the city, ignites a small desire to head back to FA..

Monday, January 31, 2011

My name is Will Hung!

Captain’s log January 2011. I woke up at 1pm on a Monday morning. Oh wait, afternoon. The CNSA conference was over. Did I sleep through it? It felt like a dream with periods of pleasant excerpts and blacked out segments. Its funny how we always remember the great and fun things that happen, but fail to remind ourselves about them when we are feeling low. Hint to self: Save the great memories and put them in the Happy Memories Bank, so it can be used PRN.
Back to the conference. What a blast is was. Even though not a lot of the content of the conference was enjoyed by myself, the energy at the conference was great! The preparation leading up to the conference was mind numbingly boring. And I often had to question myself why I was doing it. But at the conference, it was all clear. I did it for this. Whatever that group of attendees wanted to get from the speakers, workshops, exhibitors; inspiration, path finding, soul searching or networking. Whatever they gained, I was a small part of making that happen. And folks, that feeling is great! Speakers like Tilda Shalof, Kathy Crowe, Dr. Jean Watson, Dr. Judy Boychuck-D and Dr. Kirsten Culver made the conference an amazing experience for the 862 attendees this year. Shout out to the NCPC members who are infamous: http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/nursing/home_story37.shtml
A shout out to the awesome volunteers who were a great deal of help: Michal K(The Mount), Fraser M, Shane I, Laura Z, Laura V, Sarah V, Alix N, Ayeza C.


Awesome Volunteers!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

RE: Dear Nursing Students.

To the nursing students I have interacted with, during the past week, Jesse, Emily, Hannah, and for the rest of you, who are interested in doing something different up north. I will do my best to prepare you mentally through this blog. I did not realize that people actually read this blog, and am extremely honoured and flattered that you take time from your busy lives to do so.
So, to begin with, everything you read in your International Health course, is true. Again, reading is not as believing as when you see it. The affects of the previous school system had is very much entrenched into the community. A lot of the issues are sometimes not even labeled as issues in the community. So, be prepared to put your judjement and self-righteousness away, because there won’t be any room for it. And if you’re not ready to do that, you won’t survive up here. 

Monday, January 24, 2011


One thing I really really appreciate is the people. Every encounter or interaction, I cherish it, savour it, and with it would go on. I don’t know why or where that feeling is coming from, but I just love every chance I get to interact with people. I don’t know what that ‘high’ feeling is, but its definintely there. I get excited just seeing people bustling around their busy schedules, I get even more excited when people actually take time to get to know me and I will reciprocate the favour. Just talking with some of the nursing students I see, I feel like I want them all the experience what I have in the past 3 months. The amount of perception, history, health, emotional well being I gained, has just been unreal. It was only the moment I talk about my experience with peers, that I really appreciate the experience I had.
Being up north, I have changed as a person. I almost want to say, completely. I pay more attention to persons, as opposed to, trying to please or entertain a group of people that I know nothing about at all. Personal interactions one on one are so much more valuable than grinding up a stranger’s ass at a dance floor. It really helps me love and appreciate friends so much more. Good friends are so hard to find, great friends who can level with you, are few and far in between. Katy is one of those people. Katy thought that I was just all about the ‘deep’ talking with people. I don’t know if it will be this way with me forever, but I am sure I will get moulded again into something else later down my career.