Monday, January 31, 2011

My name is Will Hung!

Captain’s log January 2011. I woke up at 1pm on a Monday morning. Oh wait, afternoon. The CNSA conference was over. Did I sleep through it? It felt like a dream with periods of pleasant excerpts and blacked out segments. Its funny how we always remember the great and fun things that happen, but fail to remind ourselves about them when we are feeling low. Hint to self: Save the great memories and put them in the Happy Memories Bank, so it can be used PRN.
Back to the conference. What a blast is was. Even though not a lot of the content of the conference was enjoyed by myself, the energy at the conference was great! The preparation leading up to the conference was mind numbingly boring. And I often had to question myself why I was doing it. But at the conference, it was all clear. I did it for this. Whatever that group of attendees wanted to get from the speakers, workshops, exhibitors; inspiration, path finding, soul searching or networking. Whatever they gained, I was a small part of making that happen. And folks, that feeling is great! Speakers like Tilda Shalof, Kathy Crowe, Dr. Jean Watson, Dr. Judy Boychuck-D and Dr. Kirsten Culver made the conference an amazing experience for the 862 attendees this year. Shout out to the NCPC members who are infamous:
A shout out to the awesome volunteers who were a great deal of help: Michal K(The Mount), Fraser M, Shane I, Laura Z, Laura V, Sarah V, Alix N, Ayeza C.


Awesome Volunteers!

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