Saturday, December 11, 2010

Because the world needs to know I can't sleep

I'm serious. I woke up to a dream that a leopard appeared in front of my porch because of my stupidity of putting a sack of meat outside. The leopard also managed to break into two locked doors by using its dexterous mouth. It progressed to ransacking the kitchen and stealing my rice cooker. Out of all things, my rice cooker.

Enough of that bs. I am up at 0500 and I blame the night shifts. Being a shift worker is not the ideal for many people. I may be a little young, but I cannot sleep around the clock like many do. Its a gift to do so. There are other medicines that others use to cope, but I refuse.

I do not know how else to express my frustration of not being able to sleep. It certainly is not fun, and I cannot imagine how insonmia snags some people. Insonmia sucks, like ketchup stains on your white sweater. Anyhow, back to killing vampires online.


  1. wow man.

    I just read all the comments that you left on my blog. thanks!

    ya so many things happened on my side. I honestly dont know what i became!

    Hope everything goes well on your side... and stop killing vampires lol

    so you will not be back to Toronto for the Christmas?

  2. My prescription? Light some lavender candles (10) and listen to some enya (The River Sings) in a nice warm bath with lush bubble bars ( like a charm!!!!!!!

  3. hey ya,
    although I haven't tried these myself I thought you might want to give them a shot.

    Try using some Johnson products such as the bedtime lotion for babies lol yes they are for babies, but I figured if it works for them, they must be good enough for anyone. Or if you feel uncomfortable with baby products try the Melt away stress lotion. That one has a hint of lavender.

    uhh yes, =) hope it works out!
    and ironically im also christina
    =) don't worry we've met! hmm but its sad to say Im not a close friend D= haha just dropping by.
